Call us at 319-335-8394 to make an appointment.

Appointments are available, ranging anywhere from 15 minutes to 1 hour long or more, depending on your concern or need. The Student Health clinic is located in the Westlawn building. The IMU Nurse Care clinic is also available in the lower level of the IMU, where students can be seen for immunizations without an appointment. 

Who We Serve

Our medical services are available for current University of Iowa students. Student Health will provide care to registered UI undergraduate students, graduate students, professional students, and postdoctoral students.

We respect and support diverse perspectives, values and needs of others by providing an inclusive environment that serves individuals representing diverse races, ethnicities, national origins, ages, sexual orientations, gender identities, religions and abilities.

Things To Keep In Mind

  • Arrive early. Arrive for your appointment 15 minutes early to be sure you can get checked in and complete any required information before your scheduled appointment.
  • Be as clear and specific as you can when you call scheduling - the more specific you can be about your concerns, the better.
  • Please do not schedule an appointment within an hour of another class, exam or other commitment, because appointments may take longer than expected.
  • Plan for some time to prepare for your appointment
  • There is a $15 charge for missed appointments. Please call ahead if you cannot make your appointment.